100TH Eimac's


Hi to all...

I found 4 nice 100TH Eimac's NOS , and I wondering if I can use those tubes  instead of the 813's in the Tom K1JJ desing, of course after some circuit modification.

This tubes have a very nice shape, but I never run 100TH Eimac's before.
does anybody have an idea about performance of this tube?


Pedro....I am building a Push Pull RF deck using 100ths.  I have the Johnson plug in coils and a Big butterfly cap and jack bar with link coupler. plug in coils for the grids.. 2200 volts ..I will modulate it with 813's
 Should make 300 watts easy..The tubes have a nice color in operation...I built a Tesla 360 3 yrs ago and I love the 813's//A very easy tube to work with,,,,,,,100th's x 100th's would be very cool too....Good luck....Steve

Thanks Steve...

Yes I see some push-pull  desings with 100TH's in some handbooks, I guess they are more a good looking tubes than a performers, but they glow very nice indeed! and make a very  cool RF deck.

for the moment im searching for the H.V. transformer, I keep you posted in my progress thanks Steve.


The book says.... at 3KV....400 watts per tube .....   so they perform....I'm not going to run mine that hard... I only have 4 and they are used tubes..... Steve


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