hand winding coils is good for yer soul

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N3DRB The Derb:
of course, now I will find an exact replacement KW matchbox input coil for a dollar at the fester this weekend.  ::)

now gotta hook it in and try it. Haven't tried amp yet.

wifey had glass beadmaking kiln on yesterday and that takes 15 A all by itself. So no powa left over. I'll try it this morning.

Damn Timmy, you do good work !

N3DRB The Derb:
thanks bud!  :) few solder connections and I can try it out. Hope I got the taps on the main coil right. The big bonus would be if I plugged in the amp and she kicks off with RF.


That looks really good!  I'm not that familiar with the internals of the Johnson Matchbox.  Is the green colored coil part of the regular circuit that, you're trying to rebuild, or is it for the 160m add-on, that you said you wanted to do?

Ellen - AF9J

N3DRB The Derb:
it's the replacement RF link coupling coil to replace the one that hammy hambone removed; made by ef johnson, which he thought he could do better at. The green wire coil and the supports / spacers were hand made by me. I am soldering the last few internal connections now (12 noon Thursday 27) and I'll post other pix soon. the case is not going back on quite yet  :P

depending on what I find at the hamfest will decide whether it gets black crackled or not.

oops, sorry Ellen, I didn't address ur ?   the 160 add on will be 2 banks of fixed value caps switched from 2 extra holes hambone drilled in the front next to the regular bandswitch. So you'll switch to 80, then switch in C as needed, one for each cap, and balanced between  I also am going to add a input coupling cap to the green coil instead of just grounding the far end. A bit more range that way.

right now just doing what I need to do to get on tonight. There's no satisfaction in endlessly working on gear and not being able to get on the air. It's just frustrating.


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