AMfone condensed or WAP

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I'm impressed.    --Very  nice.
Think  I'll use WAP2 too!
Reminds me of HUZ's page in the old days.

Whats funny is this has been in operation for years. When we first tried this software Blaine suggested adding WAP so we could monitor it away from the machine. It has sat there ever since.

 A few weeks ago Huzman ran across this and asked me about it. When I saw Johns post I thought this would be a great solution for our brothers on dial up.


It looks just like Craig's List

Sam KS2AM:
The wap2 format looks good!  Can the url for this be shortened to ?
If you don't have the site in your browser history or saved in your favorites, this url would be much easier to remember and manually enter on a mobile device.

(sent from my Windows Mobile 6 device)

Quote from: BEAR

Odd, I'm stuck on a dialup that measures in at ~24kb max.

I have no trouble loading pages - they're not blazing fast, instant like on broadband, but they're not terribly slow either.

Hear, hear.  I'm on dialup at 46,600 BPS [as of this connection], running the latest update of Firefox, and I'm not having any major trouble.  Yes, page loading [not just here, but elsewhere] could stand to be a smidge faster, but considering that I'm on 40+ year-old copper with a little bit of noise sometimes, it's not too bad.
Quote from: BEAR

So, sounds like something else might be going on if someone is getting really slow slow slow load times and has a connection that is 24kb-56kb and not stuck at 9600!! Maybe a virus or worm is messing wit de innards??

Could be the aforementioned noise.  When that on my line really acts up, my modem will try to connect as low as 24K or less.
Quote from: BEAR

PS. just tried "wap2" - geez that is fast!! takes ya instantly back 20 years on the internet in an instant!!  ;D ;D Heh heh...

Got that right.  Now, if it could only take the body back twenty years...  ;D


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